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You are viewing Cheat Codes for NBA Live 2002 System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-03-02 00:12:49 Views : 21705 1986 Bulls: Play in season mode with the 2002 Bulls and finish undefeated in an 82 game season with quarters of five minutes or more. Fake spin move: Press Triangle, then in the middle of the spin, press Circle to shoot the ball. This looks the best with Jordan, Carter and Kobe. Easy fast break: Turn defensive fouls off. When playing defense, approach the player with the ball. Press Circle to push him and it will be a loose ball. Grab it to get an easy fast break. Iverson's armband: To get the effect of Iverson's arm band, select all arm bands in create a player mode. It will look like Iverson's arm band/sleeve. Go to playoffs: Go to season mode and press Circle. Choose to go to the playoffs. Your team will now be in the playoffs instead of a season. Pass under your legs: Hold R1 and press X. Alley-oop: Hold L2 and press X. Your player will throw the ball up, but it is difficult to catch. This move works best with Carter, Kobe, McGrady, and Steve Francis. Hints: Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more NBA Live 2002 cheat codes.
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